
2019 »Ñ¸®±íÀº¼¼°èÀ¯»ê ¿Ü±¹ÀÎ °­»ç Èıâ - Maite Achurra Dalisda
±Û¾´ÀÌ stacanon

³¯Â¥ 20.07.17     Á¶È¸ 2590



My Experience Joining the DRWH Program 


Maite Achurra Dalisda 


  I first applied to the DRWH program because I wanted to do something meaningful and I was certainly not disappointed, but I never expected it to have such a great impact on me. Ever since I joined them for the first semester of 2019, I felt welcomed and accepted by the other instructors, evaluators and members of the staff at MIZY, which made every lesson and activity more enjoyable and I ended up spending more time than other instructors at MIZY center since I was also part of the TF team, which was in charge of organizing the certification ceremony at the end of
each semester, but I had so much fun that I never felt like I was working.

 Every Friday we went to different elementary schools to talk about world heritage and share
our own culture. The students were generally very kind and respectful and I found myself being welcomed by them too in spite of my lack of Korean language skills. This also allowed me to experience what it was like to be inside a classroom with an educational system different to mine,
which I really value being someone who majored in education.

 The chances for the DRWH team to hang out weren¡¯t limited to this on-site classes; we always found ways to spend time together. There were field trips and cultural activities organized by MIZY that allowed us to get to know more about Korea and each other and even if there wasn¡¯t an
official activity for us to attend, we would go for lunch, celebrate someone¡¯s birthday and even a

  I felt so comfortable with the program and everyone I met there, that I didn¡¯t even think about it twice when I was asked if I would like to join for the second semester too. I knew there wasn¡¯t a best way to spend my remaining months in Korea than doing something I enjoyed in such a pleasant ambience. Many of the instructors I had met during the first semester joined again too
and I know some others would have loved to if they had had enough time.  

 I was a bit concerned I had just been lucky the first time and that I wouldn¡¯t be able to get along with everyone in a second group of instructors, but just like the in the first semester,
we all shared wonderful memories and helped each other. The DRWH program is bound to bring open-minded, thoughtful and cheerful people together.

  Not only did this program open my eyes to diverse cultures, but it also made my entire stay
in Korea more fulfilling, introduced me to friends that I hope continue being part of my life from now on and also helped me discover new hobbies and goals I had never considered before.
If offered to take part in the DRWH program or any other program at MIZY, I would gladly do so and I always recommend others to do it as well, since everyone I met at MIZY and the DRWH program made me feel like this was my second home.



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178 2019 »Ñ¸®±íÀº¼¼°èÀ¯»ê ¿Ü±¹ÀÎ °­»ç Èıâ - Maite Achurra Dalisda stacanon 20.07.17 2591
177 2019 »Ñ¸®±íÀº ¼¼°èÀ¯»ê ¿Ü±¹ÀÎ °­»ç Èıâ - Aymara Catherine Chinchiroca stacanon 20.07.17 1430
176 2019µ¿¾Æ½Ã¾Æû¼Ò³â¹®È­±³·ù - ÀÌÁö¼º stacanon 20.07.17 1672
175 2019µ¿¾Æ½Ã¾Æû¼Ò³â¹®È­±³·ù - Ȳ´Ù¿¬ stacanon 20.07.17 1433
174 2019û¼Ò³â¼¼°è½Ã¹Î¿©Çà±³½Ç Èıâ - ÀüÁ¤¿î stacanon 20.07.17 1428
173 2019 ¹ÌÁöÈñ¸Á¿øÁ¤´Ü Èıâ - Ȳ·Ï¿µ stacanon 20.07.17 1415
172 2019 ¹ÌÁöÈñ¸Á¿øÁ¤´Ü Èıâ - Á¤¿ì½Ä stacanon 20.07.17 1478
171 2019 ¹ÌÁöÈñ¸Á¿øÁ¤´Ü Èıâ - ±èÀçÀ± stacanon 20.07.17 1315
170 2019 ¹ÌÁöÈñ¸Á¿øÁ¤´Ü Èıâ - ±èÀçÀ± stacanon 20.07.16 1416
169 2019 û¼Ò³â½Ãº£¸®¾Æöµµ¿©Çà Èıâ - Á¤µ¿¿ø stacanon 20.07.16 1523
168 2019 û¼Ò³â½Ãº£¸®¾Æöµµ¿©Çà Èıâ - À忬ÁÖ stacanon 20.07.16 1344
167 2019 Ư¼ºÈ­°í â¾ÆÀ̵ð¾î °æÁø´ëȸ Èıâ - ±èÅ¿¬ stacanon 20.07.16 1281
166 2019 Ư¼ºÈ­°í â¾ÆÀ̵ð¾î °æÁø´ëȸ Èıâ - ¿À¼Ò¿µ stacanon 20.07.16 1274
165 2019 ´Ù¸§ÀÇ µ¿Çà - ÇÑÈ­ÀÚÀü°ÅÆòÈ­¿©Çà Èıâ (ÀÓÁÖ¿¬) stacanon 20.07.16 2119
164 2019 ´Ù¸§ÀÇ µ¿Çà - ÇÑÈ­ÀÚÀü°ÅÆòÈ­¿©Çà Èıâ (ÀåÇý°æ) stacanon 20.07.16 1254
163 2019 ¼Ö·Õ°í½º Èñ¸Á ¿øÁ¤´ë Èıâ(¸¶Áö¸·) - ¸ù°»°»ÆÀ stacanon 20.07.16 1424
162 2019 ¼Ö·Õ°í½º Èñ¸Á¿øÁ¤´ë Èıâ 3ź - ¸ù°»°»ÆÀ stacanon 20.07.16 1271
161 2019 ¼Ö·Õ°í½º Èñ¸Á¿øÁ¤´ë Èıâ 2ź - ¸ù°»°»ÆÀ stacanon 20.07.16 1303
160 2019 ¼Ö·Õ°í½º Èñ¸Á¿øÁ¤´ë Èıâ 1ź - ¸ù°»°»ÆÀ stacanon 20.07.16 1298
159 2018 ¿ì¸®µµ½Ãµµ°¨ ÀÛ°¡ Èı⠸ðÀ½ stacanon 20.07.16 2141
158 2018 ¹ÌÁöÆ÷Å亸À̽º Âü°¡ÀÚ Èı⠸ðÀ½ stacanon 20.07.16 1305
157 2018 UNGO Áø·Î¿©ÇàÀÇ ¹ã Æ۽Ǹ®Å×ÀÌÅÍ Èıâ - ³­¹ÎÀαǼ¾ÅÍ ±è¿¬ÁÖ ¸àÅä stacanon 20.07.16 1342
156 2018 UNGO Áø·Î¿©ÇàÀÇ ¹ã Æ۽Ǹ®Å×ÀÌÅÍ Èıâ - Æ®·¡ºí·¯½º¸Ê º¯Çü¼® ¸àÅä stacanon 20.07.16 1279
155 2018 UNGO Áø·Î¿©ÇàÀÇ ¹ã Æ۽Ǹ®Å×ÀÌÅÍ Èıâ - Çѱ¹±¹Á¦Çù·Â´Ü ±è±¤¿í ¸àÅä stacanon 20.07.16 1229
154 2018 UNGO Áø·Î¿©ÇàÀÇ ¹ã Æ۽Ǹ®Å×ÀÌÅÍ Èıâ - ¼¼À̺ê´õÄ¥µå·± ÀÌÀ籤 ¸àÅä stacanon 20.07.16 1321
153 2018 UNGO Áø·Î¿©ÇàÀÇ ¹ã Æ۽Ǹ®Å×ÀÌÅÍ Èıâ - UNEP ±è¼öÇö ¸àÅä stacanon 20.07.16 1292
152 2018 ¼­¿ï½Ã û¼Ò³â, ¹Ì·¡¸¦ ¸¸³ª´Ù - Èıâ (ÀμÖÀÚ ÀÌ¿¹Áö) stacanon 20.07.16 1217
151 2018 ¼­¿ï½Ã û¼Ò³â, ¹Ì·¡¸¦ ¸¸³ª´Ù - Èıâ (ÀμÖÀÚ ¹Ú¼ºÇö) stacanon 20.07.16 1178
150 2018 Ư¼ºÈ­°íâÀÇÀÎÀç¾ç¼ºÇÁ·Î±×·¥ Èıâ - ±è¼ÒÇö(Çؼº±¹Á¦ÄÁº¥¼Ç°í) stacanon 20.07.16 1247
149 2018 Ư¼ºÈ­°íâÀÇÀÎÀç¾ç¼ºÇÁ·Î±×·¥ Èıâ - Á¤Çö¿ì(ÇѾç°ø°í) stacanon 20.07.16 1245
148 2018 Ư¼ºÈ­°íâÀÇÀÎÀç¾ç¼ºÇÁ·Î±×·¥ Èıâ - ±è¼­¶õ(ÀϽſ©»ó) stacanon 20.07.16 1312
147 2018 Ư¼ºÈ­°íâÀÇÀÎÀç¾ç¼ºÇÁ·Î±×·¥ Èıâ - ±è¼ÒÇö(Àδö°ø°í) stacanon 20.07.16 1222
